So I have a bit of a thing about dams.
Perhaps, what with there being a French TV series all about zombies hanging around a dam and everything, more people now have a thing about dams than used to. But I accept that dams are not everyone’s cup of tea.
Nonetheless, there really is something rather compelling and, in its own way, beautiful about building giant walls of concrete halfway up mountains and stopping whole rivers in their tracks.
All these images and more are available to order from my print store. And, having completely overhauled the kinds of prints I offer, I’m pleased to announce a 10% discount on all prints up to 15 March. Just use the code “storm”.
PS For true dam geeks only, the seventh shot from the end in this series features an uncommon sight — the Lac d’Emosson’s Barrage de Barberine — now rarely seen in its fully glory because it’s normally underwater.